

Treasury Management

Treasury Management

We proactively introduce the newest products, services, technology, fraud protection, online tools, and more. Because as your business partner when you succeed we do too!

Automated Clearing House (ACH) Services

Reduce check printing and postage costs by creating electronic file transmissions for debits or credits to designated accounts. Send NACHA formatted files created in your financial software by allowing a large number of transactions to be efficiently processed.

Easy Deposit

An electronic check clearing machine that allows check deposits without going to the bank. Streamlined operations with deposit automation including image storage, retrieval, history, reporting and data export. Decreased fraud risk due to immediate deposit of checks and by identifying fraudulent checks sooner.

Wire and Book Transfers

Move and transfer funds between First American Bank accounts for domestic and international wires. Transfer funds between accounts within different financial institutions across the country. Schedule transfers for current day or up to 30 days in advance and review or delete pending transfers prior to processing.

Pay Cards

Designed for employers, payroll processors, and companies to reduce the cost and number of paper checks issued and streamline payroll processing with fully re-loadable and direct-deposit-enabled cards.

Cash Management

An online banking platform to help control and plan your daily cash position.

  • Cash Concentration – consolidate deposits daily from separate accounts into a master or concentration account
  • Controlled Disbursement – items are not funded until presented for payment
  • Target Balance/Minimum Balance – maintain a checking account without unproductive excess cash balances
  • Balance Sweeps – automated service determines total balance in deposit account available overnight to reduce debt and/or invest

About how our consultative approach to treasury management services can help you grow your business.